About Me

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Kevin is currently the certified superintendent at La Rinconada Country Club. Kevin was the Director of Maintenance at Lahontan Golf Club for over 14 years. Some of the responsibilities over the expanse of his career include the daily upkeep of multiple golf courses, natural resources, environmental compliance, and roads and streets. The wide ranging expertise has come from a combination of education and experiences. Degrees in Meteorology (1987 University of Nebraska/Lincoln), and Horticulture (1992 Colorado State), complete the formal side of this important combination of qualifications. A lifetime of experience around golf courses, and the game of golf was provided by Kevin's father.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bionutrition Today: How bio builds

This article explains the many benefits of the fertility program that has been used here at Lahontan since the course was opened in 1998. Our fertility this Tuesday on fairways, and approaches contained kelp, carbon based acids, compost tea, growth regulators, and wetting agents.

Groovin' with the Graden

There are few things that I enjoy more than a smooth consistent surface.  When all the small imperfections are removed it just looks, and plays wonderfully, and the best piece of equipment that currently exists is the Graden.  This machine is not for the timid, because it gets straight to the job of removing material, leaving heaping mounds of grass, and debris in its formidable wake of renovation.  Only the strong plants survive, and isn't that what we want anyway?  Sand is added in behind the organic matter removal, assuring the firm, smooth surface that is perfect for golf.  BEAUTIFUL!! All tees and approaches were done last week.
Tee Box After Graden
Approach after Graden
